I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of days recently with my friend Sandy and her canine kids. As with human children (and adults as well, for that matter), dogs have distinct personalities...complete with a unique collection of likes, dislikes, abilities, phobias, obsessions, and accompanying behaviors. In short, they are individuals.
If I had to describe Sandy's furred family members in once sentence, I might say the following:
* Jocey is a gentle, affectionate, water-loving Queen Bee.
* Petey is a slightly neurotic, unpredictable boy who is never voluntarily without his round-shaped "pacifier."
* Oscar is a lover, not a fighter, who likes nothing more than a good cuddle.
I doubt you'll have any trouble matching the descriptions to the dogs' images above.
AWWW, my babies! Thanks for the beautiful photos!